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Labour day liturgy


For your Labour Day prayers: here is a brilliant song from the Porter's Gate, "Your Labor is Not in Vain." (I play this every Sunday on the drive home after I preach - helps to combat the post-sermon demons that afflict preachers) and a selection from the beautiful "Litany of Labour" by Anglican priest Percy Dearmer (h/t Gideon Strauss).

Litany of Labour - Percy Dearmer

For those who till the earth, for those who tend machinery,

We beseech thee.

For those who strive on the deep waters, for those who venture in far countries,

We beseech thee.

For those who work in offices and warehouses, for those who labour at furnaces and in factories,

We beseech thee.

For those who toil in mines, for those who buy and sell,

We beseech thee.

For those who keep house, for those who train children,

We beseech thee.

For all who live by strength of arm, for all who live by cunning of hand,

We beseech thee.

For all who control, direct, or employ,

We beseech thee.

For all who enrich the common life through art, and science, and learning,

We beseech thee.

For all who guide the common thought, as writers or as teachers,

We beseech thee.

For all who may serve the common good as pastors, physicians, soldiers, lawyers, merchants, and for all social workers, leaders, and statesmen,

We beseech thee.

And for all those who are poor, and broken, and oppressed:

For all whose labour is without hope,

For all whose labour is without honour,

For all whose labour is without interest,

For those who have too little leisure,

For those who are underpaid,

For those who oppress their employees through love of money.

For all women workers,

For those who work in dangerous trades,

For those who cannot find work,

For those who will not work,

For those who have no home,

For prisoners and outcasts,

For the victims of lust,

For all who are sick or hungry,

For all who are intemperate, luxurious, and cruel,

Dear Lord, we pray to thee.

O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world,

Have mercy upon us.

O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world,

Receive our prayer.

Lord have mercy upon us.

Christ have mercy upon us.

Lord have mercy upon us.

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